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Day five, and after a long drive ...


After seeing our SpaceX rocket last night we drove down the highway to the Kennedy Space Center.

Had a fab day starting with a bus tour passing the NASA vehicle assembly building and numerous launch pads, including where the SpaceX rocket launched less than 24 hours prior.

Half way through our tour, we left the coach to explore the Apollo V center. Here we were able to walk under an Apollo space rocket and even touch a piece of real lunar rock. While there we sat and had lunch on the viewing platform for last nights launch.

On our way back to the main building we drove past alligators in the side ditches and had to go round a turtle crossing the road.

When we got back to the main center we visited the Atlantis space shuttle, which is in the same state as it was after its final space mission in 2011. Great exhibition including an astronauts experience in the shuttle - sleeping, eating and even using the toilet. Brought some space ice cream and wandered around the rocket garden. We found a replica of an Apollo pod which we got inside - very cramped.

Planning to get up early tomorrow as we need to make new friends....

Bad point of the day Darrens little toe may be broken after an incident putting on his boxers. 🤣🤯👣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

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Apr 14, 2019

I may need to resort to that, getting harder to bend the old legs at my age😄


Apr 14, 2019

Ah! Darren. At your age you need to sit down and pull your shorts on - like what we do! lol We’ve done that boxer short dance too many times now lol

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